See, I was not really intending to cheat on my Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. But that is how these things usually start. See, I was up in the middle of the night, with a certain triplet who shall remain nameless, and since neither of us were asleep, I thought it best to watch a little TV. I should've known this was dangerous. But, there he was in all his purple glory
The Shark. His promises of chemical-free cleaning and portability lured me in. And, unlike my old standby Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, he was not going to crumble into pieces on me after a few uses. I resisted the temptation, but The Shark was still on my mind.
A few weeks later I was in Bed, Bath and Beyond with my handy stack of 20% off coupons and there he was! But, even at 20% this Shark was still too much for me. So, again I tried to put him out of my mind. I keep telling myself that this shiny new toy was probably not all it is cracked up to be. I mean, I was sleep deprived and it was an infomerical with all that TV advertising magic.
So, during my black Friday shopping (yeah, I did it -- and with the triplets), I saw Kohl's had him -- with 15% off, then another 15% off and then Kohl's cash on top of that! So, we plunked down about $70 and drove off happy shoppers.
Well, let me tell you, The Shark has lived up to expectations. It actually got the crusted Cream of Wheat off all 3 high-chairs (something Magic Eraser failed at), the dried up yogurt off my walls and the crayon off the walls. And, all without spraying any toxic or nasty chemicals into the air. Just using water, awesome. So, that is it. The Shark and I are in love.
Oh, I do believe this will be a thrifty deal in the end. All the Shark needs is water to run, and that's almost free. So, hopefully this will cut down on some cleaning products and my magic eraser habit (hum, at $2 a pop). So, this thing should pay for itself in, like, a few months, right :)